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Deer stand accidents the focus of Lake County Rescue skills training at North Shore Adventure Park on Tuesday, September 17th

Tree stand accidents are the leading cause of injury to hunters, according to the MN DNR. One in three people who hunt from an elevated stand will have a fall resulting in serious injury.

The Lake County Res­cue Squad volunteers will practice their res­cue skills using the park’s high platforms on Tuesday, Septem­ber 17 at 6 p.m. The group does skills training once a month to help volunteers pre­pare for seasonal chal­lenges

Every year thousands of people visit the North Shore, some of them to very remote areas. And every year, lots of people run into trouble and call for help. Those who respond are all volunteers.

The Lake County Res­cue Squad assists the Lake County Sheriff in search and rescue of lost or missing per­sons and respond to water or other emer­gencies. Their unique training and special­ized equipment can be invaluable in sav­ing lives. They have equipment in Two Harbors, Silver Bay and Finland. This al­lows them to respond quickly when they are requested.

“We are an all-volun­teer organization and are always recruit­ing,” said Jesse Wal­ters, who is organizing the training. “We look for those who want to help their community, there is no better feel­ing than to help oth­ers.”

“Our rescue members must maintain state accredited EMS train­ing in medical care as well as maintain profi­ciency in many of our technical rescue re­sponsibilities includ­ing: high angle (ropes) rescue, ATV/snowmo­bile accidents, vehi­cle accidents, swift water rescue as well as wilderness search and rescue. “We ap­preciate North Shore Adventure Park’s willingness to train at their facility to help keep us current.“

“We are pleased to be the site for this train­ing,” said Alice Tib­betts with the Adven­ture Park. “Our guests are active, outdoor en­thusiasts. Any one of them or our own staff could need the Rescue Squad at some point. We appreciate their dedication to helping others.”

The Adventure Park offers discounts to all North Shore Res­cue Squad volunteers throughout the fall season. For informa­tion, contact admin@ northshoreadven­turepark.com

To become a member contact Lake County Human Resources for an application. Follow the Lake County Res­cue Squad via Face­book @ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064755936308


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