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HomeCommunityAxe Champions to host Throwing Event at the North Shore Adventure Park

Axe Champions to host Throwing Event at the North Shore Adventure Park

On Saturday, Sep­tember 14 from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m., the North Shore Adventure Park will host a demo and practice session with champion throwers from the International Axe Throwing Fed­eration (IATF). The demo will be followed by a casual tourna­ment.

Dustin Kerr, a win­ning axe competitor, will be running the program. Dustin is the owner of Purplebun­ny’s Axe House locat­ed in the Twin Cities. This event is the start of a partnership be­tween the two busi­nesses (Purplebunny and North Shore Ad­venture Park) with a goal of hosting future IATF events at the ad­venture park in Silver Bay, MN.

Dustin will demon­strate technique and safety practices when throwing two sizes of axes plus knives. “People enjoy having the option of throw­ing different kinds of objects,” he said. “It makes it more fun and, with proper in­struction, it is safe for a wide range of ages and abilities.”

Funding for the event is provided by Lovin’ Lake County.

Registration is required for the event. Visit https://www.northshoreadventurepark.com/tickets to sign up. The minimum age is 14 and reservations are required.

“Our goal is to get more North Shore lo­cals interested in axe throwing so they can form their own leagues starting this season,” said Alice Tibbetts, owner of North Shore Adventure Park.

“The park will use  IATF axe throwing software that allows throwers to compete with people in other locations and to track their progress against their peers,” said Tibbetts. “We will launch the software at the event and use it for summer and fall leagues. It is easy to score and throwers can compare their perfor­mance to others who are in the system.”

Purplebunny’s Axe House, which opened in 2022, runs five leagues each week, and provides space for individuals and par­ties. Some leagues are just for women, for men, and they offer a popular late morning brunch league.

“We succeed because friends create their own teams,” Dustin said. “It becomes a re­ally fun social event. Their most popular leagues are for women over age 40.”

The North Shore Adventure Park’s demo will be from 2:30 to 4:00 PM and competitions will held be from 4:00 to 5:30 PM, located at the corner of Hwy 61 and Outer Drive in Silver Bay.

If you’d like to register for Fall Axe and Knife Leagues, go to www.northshoreadventurepark.com . League dates are: Sundays for four weeks, 3 to 4:30 PM, September 21, 29, October 7 & 14.


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