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HomeCommunityAnnual Heritage Days Delivers Tunes, Traditions, and Treats to Two Harbors

Annual Heritage Days Delivers Tunes, Traditions, and Treats to Two Harbors

Music lovers, es­pecially, were in for a treat at this year’s annual Two Harbors Heritage Days Event, which kicked off on Thursday July 11th. With multiple concerts happening in multiple venues around town, some returning fa­vorites and some new very welcomed per­formers, most every­one was sure to find the event’s soundtrack to their liking.

The first day, as is tradition, was mostly dedicated to the kids. The families flood­ed Thomas Owens Park to partake in the games, goodies, and glee. Kids zoomed to see the Zoo Mobile and the creatures who traveled up from the Lake Superior Zoo to visit them.

The kiddie parade is always a favorite and, afterwards or before, working up an appetite they were able to grab up some hotdogs the Girl Scouts were sell­ing as a fundraiser. To add a cherry on top of the day, an ice cream social ensured those with a sweet tooth could end the day on a sweet note.

Starting on Friday, vendors were set up along the road with a myriad of goods and services that caught shoppers’ eyes and made them slow down to take a closer look. Seems to be more and more vendors every year, and more and more treasures to find.

For those who want­ed to view the town from air, land, or wa­ter…helicopter rides, strolls around town, and tours of Edna G. Tugboat were there to explore.

It was a hot day, so being dunked at the KTWH 99.5 FM Dunk Tank might not have been such a horrible thing. Even one of comedy/music ventril­oquist Jeremy Lepak’s puppets was thinking of taking a little swim. He wasn’t the only funny performer who attended the event, the Eveleth Clown Band was on hand. The band even stopped by Waterview Shores to make sure some of the older residents of our area were able to join in the fun.

Sequin, Tracy Parks, and the Two Harbors Ukelele Group (THUG). THUG also ensured cleverly tai­lored music and lyrics ac­companied the Annual Lutefisk Toss that started 25 years ago. The competition pitted the Norskies against the Swedes. Spoiler alert, the Swedes won again.

Meanwhile, at the Lakev­iew National Golf Course, the Two Harbors High School Swim Team was found at the Golf Scram­ble sponsoring Hole 14. As was fitting, the team set up a kiddie pool, and golfers were challenged to chip a rubber duckie into the wa­ter. The 50/50 pot winner, Keith Sjostrom, donated the money right back to the team. The swimmers had a busy weekend, as they also volunteered to help at the pancake breakfast.

It was a big night for Two Harbors and those who found themselves down­town on Friday evening. Ricky Carl and the Other Guys Band began the street dance with some coun­try music to get the crowd dancing and warm them up to see the main act, the Bel­lemy Brothers (yes, THE Bellemy Brothers).

“Last night was truly a dream come true,” Ricky Carl posted on his Facebook page the next day. “None of this would have been possi­ble if not for Two Harbors Heritage Days and Lovin’ Lake County, MN. Hope­fully things like this can continue in such an awe­some little town!”

He thanked his band mates, Corey Hult, Dalton Hanson, and Nate Rendu­lich, as well as those who came out to the show. “This was my largest crowd ever since going solo and your energy made playing the show as easy as it could pos­sibly be. Thank you, all!”

The Bellemy Brothers country music duo’s perfor­mance is captured in clips and pics, one from the band itself, on Facebook. Fans snapped selfies and shots of the band from all different angles of the stage. I wasn’t there but it looks like the city really turned out and had a good time seeing one of their favorite bands grace the Heritage Day Stage.

Okay, so far, we’ve only touched on Thursday and Friday’s festivities, and I certainly didn’t mention all the things there were to do and see and eat. Saturday was also jammed packed with things there were to do and see and eat, starting with the pancake breakfast hosted by the Two Harbors Fire Department (which would be available Sunday, as well).

North Shore Horizons held their 2nd Annual Fam­ily Fundraiser Walk/Run. Down the road, visitors could check out cool clas­sic cars at the car show. At 1 PM the Heritage Day Pa­rade marched from 1st Ave­nue to 7th Street in the 80+ degree heat.

There were a lot of par­ticipants, including the Two Harbors Trap Team, which carried the Ameri­can Flag for the American Legion. Steve Solkela was seen demonstrating some of his many talents. It’s pretty impressive to sing, while playing an accordion, while skateboarding down the road during the parade. One of the new businesses in town, North Shore Lum­ber, tossed candy out to the crowds. Pretty sure the Ghostbusters were there, too.

Music started on each end of downtown with Gina Lee on the Heritage Days Stage and the City Band at the Bandshell in Thom­as Owens Park. There was much more music to be lis­tened, sung, and danced to throughout Sunday, as well.

It was a great weekend for a city celebration. Cheryl Sandstrom, Chairman of the Heritage Days Committee, posted a long list of thank you’s on the Two Harbors Heritage Days Facebook Page. She was grateful for the people who showed up to take part in the event.

“What an incredible weekend!” Cheryl, who has been involved with the event since 2007, posted. “We all hope you found some en­joyment at Heritage Days and hope to see you again! Tell your friends and fami­ly to come stay in beautiful Two Harbors Minnesota and support our hotels and businesses so we can con­tinue to bring great things to Heritage Days! Once more, from the bottom of this gal’s old, tired, heart…..THANK YOU!

Cheryl, and the Heritage Days Committee deserve a big THANK YOU, too, for once again putting on a successful event that was en­joyed by all!


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