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HomeBusinessPaddle and Portage Named Official Media Partner for Canoecopia 2025

Paddle and Portage Named Official Media Partner for Canoecopia 2025

GRAND MARAIS, MINN., Dec. 5, 2024 – Paddle and Portage media is excited to announce it has been chosen as the of­ficial media partner for Ca­noecopia 2025.

Darren Bush owns Ruta­baga canoe and kayak shop in Madison, Wisc., and is the sponsor of Canoecop­ia, the largest paddle sports show of its kind in the world.

“Paddle and Portage con­nects to our people, the pad­dlers who love wilderness areas as well as their local lakes or ponds,” Bush said. “We are pleased to work with them to create more excitement for paddling in the BWCA Wilderness as well as other areas all over the globe. We are proud to partner with them to share Canoecopia with their read­ers and listeners, before, during, and after Canoeco­pia 2025.”

Canoecopia runs March 7 to 9 at the Alliant Ener­gy Center in Madison. As the official media partner for the event, Paddle and Portage will conduct inter­views with attendees and presenters, as well as with some of the many hundreds of representatives from the paddling and outdoor in­dustry. The interviews will be shared on both the Ca­noecopia and Paddle and Portage platforms. The Paddle and Portage team will also shoot videos and photos at the expo.

Paddle and Portage was founded in January by lo­cal journalist and author Joe Friedrichs and has been well-received by the BWCA Wilderness and broader paddling commu­nities. The company offers a unique perspective on the intersection of news, adventure, and storytelling from the Boundary Waters, as well as other paddling destinations across North America.

Friedrichs and longtime collaborator M Baxley will be attending their fifth Ca­noecopia in 2025. Baxley and Friedrichs have hosted a podcast about the Bound­ary Waters for nearly a decade. Baxley has been a valuable member of the Paddle and Portage team dating back to the compa­ny’s launch. In addition to being active at the Paddle and Portage booth, both are frequent presenters during the three-day event.

“Canoecopia is one of the most significant opportuni­ties we participate in every year to build community with Midwest paddlers and the outdoor industry,” Bax­ley said.

Joining Baxley and Frie­drichs at the 2025 expo will be Paddle and Portage con­tributor Erin Walker. Along with her husband, Jon, Walker produces the pop­ular Lost Lakes YouTube channel.

“I am excited to be attend­ing Canoecopia for the first time this upcoming year,” Walker said. “I have really enjoyed working alongside the team at Paddle and Por­tage and can’t think of a better group to show me the ropes!”

In addition to the retail side, the speakers and pre­senters at Canoecopia are a highlight of the annual event. Bush said this year’s lineup, which includes leg­endary paddler Cliff Ja­cobson’s final presentation at the expo, is among the strongest in the event’s his­tory.

“The speaker lineup for 2025 is the best yet, with more diverse speakers and destinations,” Bush said. “We’re grateful that so many people want to share their knowledge and exper­tise as well as their passion for paddling all over the world.”

Paddle and Portage ma­jority owners, Bear Paulsen and Ann Possis, said they are honored to be selected as the official media partner for Canoecopia 2025.

“This is a great opportu­nity to expand the stories we’re already sharing from the canoe country and be­yond,” Possis said. “The invitation from Darren and the Canoecopia team to be the official media partner of this huge event is a big deal to us as we continue to grow.”

Paulsen, who is also the longtime general manager at Northstar Canoes, will be present at the Paddle and Portage booth on occasion throughout Canoecopia. Paddle and Portage offers a number of ways to en­gage with their content: a twice-monthly podcast hosted by Friedrichs and Baxley, and online content, including a digital maga­zine and the company’s en­gaging website. Paddle and Portage is expanding both its podcasting and online content in 2025.

The headquarters for Pad­dle and Portage is in Grand Marais, at 121 1st Ave W.

In addition, Paddle and Portage opened an office in October in Ely, to better re­flect and serve the Ely com­munity and the west side of the BWCA Wilderness. Paddle and Portage will work out of both offices moving forward.

For more information about Paddle and Portage, go to the website at paddle­andportage.com.


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