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HomeBusinessGovernor Walz Announces Funding for Businesses to Provide On-the-Job Training

Governor Walz Announces Funding for Businesses to Provide On-the-Job Training

Lake County Ambulance Service Included on the List
Over $5 million in Dual Training Grants will connect 958 employees in high-demand industries with new training and career pathways

[ST. PAUL, MN] June 10, 2024 – Governor Tim Walz announced the recipients of the 2024 Dual Train­ing Grants awarded by the Min­nesota Office of Higher Education (OHE). In total, $5.4 million was awarded to 84 Minnesota employ­ers to fund dual training programs for 958 employees in high-demand industries. Grants are awarded to employers in advanced manu­facturing, agriculture, health care services, information technology, child care, transportation, and legal cannabis industries.

“These career growth and training opportunities allow Minnesotans to get ahead in their careers while helping businesses recruit and re­tain talent. It’s a win-win,” said Governor Tim Walz. “As Minneso­ta sees an increase in high-demand, good-paying jobs, we’re investing in the economic future by ensuring the workforce is supported.”

“These grants are crucial for sup­porting our state’s workforce and reflect our commitment to building a strong economic future for Min­nesota,” said Lieutenant Governor Flanagan. “This program will en­sure businesses in high-demand in­dustries can build their workforce while more workers gain access to different training and career path­ways: it’s a win-win scenario.”

OHE’s Dual Training Grant pro­gram partners with the Minnesota Du­al-Training Pipeline at the Min­nesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) to help employers meet their workforce needs by cre­ating earn-and-learn programs for employees. Employers collaborate with training providers and contrib­ute substantially to the career advance­ment and development of their employees by providing them with on-the-job training and support­ing their postsecondary education. Grant funds can be used to cover the cost of dual trainees’ tuition, fees, and required materials for the related instruction training in pro­gram occupations.

Employers can apply for up to $15,000 (or 10% of the requested grant amount) for dual trainee sup­port costs like transportation, tutor­ing, and translation.

“Dual Training Programs are one of the many pathways Minnesotans can choose when pursuing a career after high school,” OHE Commis­sioner Dennis Olson said. “I am thrilled we can support these em­ployers, helping them train employ­ees while filling jobs in high-need industries.”

“Through on-the-job training and classroom learning, Dual-Train­ing Pipeline helps employees gain skills, credentials and advance their careers while also helping employ­ers meet their workforce needs,” said Nicole Blissenbach, DLI com­missioner. “We are excited to con­tinue supporting Minnesota work­ers and employers through these grants and create more earn-and-learn dual training opportunities.”

Grants were awarded in the follow­ing industries:

26 grants were awarded in the Ad­vanced Manufacturing industry

2 grants were awarded in the Agri­culture industry

8 grants were awarded in the Child Care industry

42 grants were awarded in the Health Care Services industry

2 grants were awarded in the Infor­mation Technology industry

3 grants were awarded in the Trans­portation industry

1 grant was awarded in both the Ag­riculture and Child Care industries

Locally, grants were awarded to the following Minnesota employers:

Lake County Ambulance Service – Two Harbors

During the 2023 legislative session, an additional $1 million per year investment was made by the Leg­islature and Governor Tim Walz to establish a Dual Training Grant program for legal cannabis in­dustry employers. An application for eligible legal cannabis employ­ers is expected to open soon.


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