By Joe Friedrichs
LUTSEN – The cold is keeping it quiet. The Poplar River, frozen solid except for a sand trap-sized pool of open water, makes virtually no sound. Behind us, Lake Superior billows sea smoke, with small waves lapping the shoreline. It’s -15 Fahrenheit outside. Looking across the river, there’s a stone chimney standing alone. And then there’s the charred remains of the resort.
“The snow really makes the black stand out,” says Quinton McCorquodale, the former facilities director for Lutsen Resort. “Most everything that burned up is still over there. And here we are, a year later.”
Just after midnight on Feb. 6, 2024, Lutsen Resort caught fire. The blaze obliterated the historic lodge. The investigation into the fire remains ongoing. In the aftermath of the devastation, the resort’s embattled owner, Bryce Campbell, has been the focus of intense scrutiny in the media and online forums. Campbell is also the centerpiece of multiple investigations led by state agencies, insurance companies, and private firms into his business dealings and his whereabouts the night of the fire.

The investigation into the fire at Lutsen Resort is being led by the State Fire Marshal’s Office and the Minnesota Department of Commerce Fraud Bureau. Private investigators are also heavily involved in the situation. Repeated emails and requests for information from the agencies by this reporter have often resulted in blanket statements lacking specifics. Jen Longaecker, communications director for the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, said the agency adheres to state statutes that “protect investigative data from public disclosure while an investigation is ongoing.”
For his part, McCorquodale, who oversaw the resort’s housekeeping and maintenance department, has little in the way of sympathy for Campbell. From his perspective, McCorquodale, who was hired at Lutsen Resort in October 2022, believes Campbell tried to “pin him for arson” in connection with the fire.
According to McCorquodale, he and Campbell had a discussion Feb. 5, about 12 hours before the fire was first reported, concerning the financial woes at Lutsen Resort. The resort owed money to vendors, contractors, state agencies, and others, was the running narrative for those “in the know,” according to former staff from the resort. McCorquodale said he’d become privy to information via emails exchanged between the resort’s general manager, Edward Vanegas, and Lutsen Resort Accounting Director Donna McCurdy-Wolke, that the company could miss payroll in the near future.
Following the exchange, which occurred Monday afternoon, McCorquodale said he packed up some of his personal possessions and considered the possibility that he’d just worked his last shift at the resort. It was largely okay, he reasoned, as he’d already been looking for work and had landed another job at a nearby lodge. Leaving his office for what could potentially be the last time, McCorquodale carried with him a notebook, a screwdriver, and a full-face respirator mask. As he was leaving the building, he passed by Campbell in the hallway.
Not long after, Campbell sent a text message to Vanegas indicating that if something strange should happen to the resort, that people needed to know about the “gas mask” McCorquodale was carrying, according to Vanegas. Indeed, when the building burned down later that night, Vanegas told investigators about McCorquodale and the gas mask. Vanegas also described MC as “erratic” on occasion. Campbell supported the claims.
McCorquodale, who was one of the first people to arrive on the scene of the fire after he was called by the night watchman, says he was interviewed by investigators on numerous occasions about the night of the fire. He had an alibi, he explained, that he was on a date with someone in Grand Marais and later returned to a room at the Mountain Inn near the ski hill, about a mile up the road from Lusten Resort. McCorquodale was still with his date at the time the fire was reported, he said.
“I offered the investigators to take the mask and look at it or do whatever they wanted to do with it,” McCorquodale says.
Within a matter of days, McCorquodale says the questions stopped coming in terms of his whereabouts and anything related to the mask. The questions from investigators, he says, started to focus on Campbell and water heaters in the building.
The court of public opinion has not been gracious to Campbell after the fire. Within 48 hours of the blaze, news reports from some of the largest media outlets in Minnesota began to focus on unresolved fire code violations tied to Lutsen Resort. In addition to the violations, which were reported by the fire marshal, a bleak financial picture emerged for the resort. Campbell and Lutsen Resort owed money to businesses and individuals locally and beyond. The resort, according to public records, owed numerous contractors and architects for services provided. They were also behind on payments to the state for liquor taxes. Most notably, at least locally, Lutsen Resort was facing numerous lawsuits from contractors, businesses, and nearby property owners who say Campbell owed them money.
Indeed, in the aftermath of the fire, a bleak financial picture also emerged for the other resort Campbell owned on Minnesota’s North Shore at the start of last year: Superior Shores Resort near Two Harbors. On July 24, Judge Steven Hanke placed Superior Shores under the management of Kinseth Hospitality Companies, Inc. after Campbell reportedly failed to meet the terms of a contract for deed on the property.
During a July 31 hearing, the company’s executive vice president, Bruce Kinseth, said some of his staff arrived at Superior Shores July 26 following Hanke’s ex parte order and the appointment of the entity as the “receiver,” or temporary managers, of the resort. Upon initial review of the situation, Kinseth described Superior Shores as a “financial disaster.” They also discovered a “tremendous amount” of bills due, Kinseth said, adding that some people Campbell and the resort owe money to came to the property “demanding payment.”
Later, Campbell attempted to get a temporary restraining order in place that would have allowed him at least some control over Superior Shores. On Sept. 17, District Judge Eric Hylden said Campbell needed to put down $280,000 in the form of a bond payment to retain any ownership in the business and have the restraining order take effect. Campbell failed to make the payment by the Oct. 1 deadline, and essentially lost control of the resort.
Things didn’t improve for Campbell when it was revealed publicly in November that he was in the building not long before the fire started at Lutsen Resort. According to multiple sources familiar with the situation, including Vanegas and an individual involved with various aspects of the investigation into the fire, Campbell entered Lutsen Resort sometime late in the evening on the night of Feb. 5.
The Cook County Sheriff’s Office said crews were notified of a fire alarm at the resort’s main lodge before 12:25 a.m. Feb. 6. This timing puts Campbell inside Lutsen Resort less than an hour before the fire is first reported to authorities. Neither Vanegas nor the person involved with the investigation specifically referred to Campbell being involved in the origins of the fire.
According to both sources, Campbell said he worked at Lutsen Resort for most of the day on Monday, Feb. 5. He explained that he left the resort for the first time that night at approximately 8:40 p.m. Following that, Campbell, according to the sources, said he ordered a Domino’s pizza from Two Harbors, planning to pick it up before returning to his condominium at Burlington Bay, part of the facility he owned at Superior Shores Resort. Campbell said he ate some of the pizza at Burlington Bay. While eating or shortly thereafter, Campbell allegedly connected with someone on a social networking app. The person Campbell said he connected with is a property owner in Cook County.
Following that, Campbell left the Two Harbors area and drove back up Highway 61 at approximately 10:30 p.m. While heading toward the Grand Marais area, Campbell stopped at Lutsen Resort. He parked at an undisclosed location and entered the resort through a back or side entrance, according to both sources. This meant the night watchman, Tyler Cobb, the only other person confirmed to be in the building the night of the fire, did not know Campbell had returned to Lutsen Resort. Campbell, according to sources, said he needed to get something from his office. He left Lutsen Resort for the final time sometime between 11:30 p.m. and midnight, according to both sources. Cobb reported the fire to local authorities a short time later, at approximately 12:24 a.m. In a series of conversations and email exchanges Nov. 4 with multiple officials from the State Fire Marshal’s Office, the agency did not verify if they had knowledge of Campbell being in the building within an hour of the fire starting at Lutsen Resort.
“We are unable to confirm or deny any details related to this case, including the whereabouts of specific individuals,” Longaecker said.
Vanegas said Campbell confessed to him that he was in the building the night of the fire more than a month after it was extinguished. During a phone call March 10, Vanegas said Campbell explained that he “went back” to Lutsen Resort the night of the fire.
“You went back?” Vanegas questioned.
Not long after, Vanegas said he hung up the phone, distraught by the words he was hearing. Later that night, Vanegas said Campbell texted him and apologized for allowing his “personal behavior” to impact the business. Vanegas said investigators were particularly interested in that text message.
One year later, the investigation into the fire at Lutsen Resort remains ongoing. When the investigation wraps up, and if there are findings of fault, Longaecker said the State Fire Marshal’s Office does not have charging authority.
“City or county attorneys do,” she said.
This means that if there are charges brought against anyone specific to the fire that destroyed Lutsen Resort, the Cook County attorney will need to present them. In an email from then Cook County Attorney Molly Hicken to this reporter sent Dec. 29, she wrote: “It is our obligation to protect the integrity of both the investigation and any potential future prosecution, and for that reason we will not be sharing any information in response to your questions.”
Hicken officially stepped down from her post as county attorney, an elected position, four days after sending that email. Hicken left her post to serve as the chief legal officer at Midwest Family Ski Resorts, which includes Lutsen Mountains, the ski hill just up the road from Lutsen Resort. The new county attorney, Jeanne Peterson, has been a longtime and close associate to Hicken.
Meanwhile, this reporter has spoken to, exchanged numerous emails with, and met in-person for nearly two hours with Campbell, dating back to August 2024 and as recently as this month. Campbell prefers to talk off the record, citing the ongoing investigation. After losing both of the resorts he owned at this time last year – one to a fire, the other from courtroom proceedings – Campbell, a Canadian citizen, finds himself back where he started before he and his now-deceased mother, Sheila, purchased Lutsen Resort in 2018. As of this month, Campbell is living in a hotel room at the Copper River Inn in Fort Frances, Ontario. Campbell has owned the 70-room Copper River Inn since 2014.
As the investigation reaches and potentially passes the one-year mark since the early-morning fire at Lutsen Resort, questions continue to swirl regarding Campbell and his future on Minnesota’s North Shore.
“It’s a fall from grace,” Vanegas says. “That’s the story of Bryce Campbell.” This is part one of a two-part story following up on the one-year anniversary of the fire at Lutsen Resort. Next week will focus on Bryce Campbell and his return to Canada following a tumultuous 2024 on Minnesota’s North Shore.