Saturday, October 5, 2024


Tuesday, September 12, 2023. Lake County Board of Commissioners’ regularly scheduled meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Lake County Board Chairper­son Rich Sve. Chairperson Sve led the rec­itation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise stated, all actions have been approved by unanimous yea vote. Lake County Board members present in the Lake County Service Center, Split Rock River Room (SRRR), 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota: District 2 Com­missioner Derrick “Rick” L. Goutermont, District 3 Commissioner Richard “Rick” C. Hogenson, District 4 Commissioner Jeremy M. Hurd, and District 5 Commis­sioner Rich Sve. Board member absent: None. Vacancy: First District. Also absent: Lake County Administrator Matthew Hud­dleston. Also present: Lake County Auditor Linda Libal, Lake County Sheriff Nathan Stadler, Lake County Highway Engineer Jason DiPiazza, Environmental Services Director Christine McCarthy, and Clerk of the Board Laurel D. Buchanan.

MOTION HURD, SECOND HOGENSON: 01 – Approval of the agenda. Absent: None

Lake County Board of Commissioners Chairperson Rich Sve opened the floor for public comments. No public comments were made.

The Honorable Michael J. Cuzzo, Judge of the District Court, State of Minnesota, Sixth Judicial District, appeared before the Board of Commissioners. Judge Cuzzo advised that he will be retiring from the position, effective October 2, 2023. Judge Cuzzo expressed gratitude for the respect shown to him and for his years presiding in Lake County and Cook County. Judge Cuzzo advised on his plans to work as a Senior Judge and could be called upon to fill in where needed in Minnesota.

David Drown, Director of Economic Development for the City of Silver Bay, appeared before the Board of Commis­sioners to discuss the long-term vision plan for downtown Silver Bay that was formally adopted by City Council. Lake County Highway Engineer Jason DiPiazza was present for the discussion. Mr. Drown advised that the housing shortage is a pri­mary focus. Secondary to housing, is a vi­sion for Central Park. Land Commissioner Nate Eide arrived at 2:10 PM during David Drown’s presentation. Long-term plans for roadways would require highway system jurisdictional changes in the City of Silver Bay, including abandoning Davis Drive between Banks Boulevard and Outer Drive and consider constructing a new street be­tween Banks Boulevard and Outer Drive, west of Shopping Center Drive. Lake County has jurisdiction over Davis Drive and it is designated as County State Aid Highway 32 (CSAH 32). Lake County has jurisdiction over Banks Boulevard between Horn Boulevard and Davis Drive and it is designated as CSAH 32. Lake County has jurisdiction over Banks Boulevard between Davis Drive and Adams Boulevard and it is designated as County Road 107. The City of Silver Bay may request transfer of Davis Drive from Lake County to the City and re­designation of CSAH 32 to either the new street under consideration, or, Shopping Center Drive. Redesignation of CSAH 32 will require coordination with, and approval by, the Minnesota Department of Transpor­tation(MnDOT) State Aid office. Redesig­nation of CSAH 32 to a street between Banks Boulevard and Outer Drive other than Davis Drive would result in a gap in the County Road network. Lake County Highway Engineer will coordinate with and seek approval from MnDOT State Aid to redesignate CSAH 32 to a new location in the City of Silver Bay and develop juris­dictional transfer documentation for Davis Drive. County Board members verbalized support for the extension of the Banks Boulevard designation as County Road 107 to the redesignated CSAH 32. These changes to the CSAH looping system downtown will take several years to imple­ment. The Highway Engineer will develop jurisdictional transfer and redesignation documentation for Banks Boulevard. Mr. Drown advised that they are working on Right-of-Way (ROW) acquisition issues. Mr. Drown recommended that Lake Coun­ty cease investing in Davis Drive and real­locate funds for other road projects.

Bolton & Menk, Inc. Survey Manager Kurt Thurnau presented a proposal to Lake County for a Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Restoration & Remonumenta­tion Plan and County Surveyor Services. Mr. Thurnau provided an overview of his experience working in land surveying. Mr. Thurnau also serves as President of the Minnesota Society of Professional Surveyors Board of Directors. Bolton & Menk’s proposal focuses on education and business need assessment, research and analysis, and plan development. Mr. Thur­nau also discussed the grant funding pro­cess. PLSS Restoration Grant Applications are handled by the Minnesota IT Services Geospatial Information Office. The legis­lative reference is Minn. Stat. §381.125 Public Land Survey System Monument Grant Program.

County Auditor Linda Libal advised on the budget process. County Sheriff Nathan Stadler provided an update on vehicle fleet plans with Enterprise. Lake County Environmental Services Director Christine McCarthy was present for any questions on her department’s requests for board action.

Lake County Highway Engineer Jason DiPiazza advised that his main purpose for attending today was for David Drown’s presentation with respect to the pro­posed road designation changes. Land Commissioner Nate Eide was present for any discussion on proposed easements. Board members advised that they would like more information on one of those pro­posed easements. That easement is not on the action items for today.

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND HURD: 02 – Approve Consent Agenda as pre­sented:

1. Approve Board of Commissioners’ regular meeting minutes of August 22, 2023.

2. Approve meeting minutes of the Public Hearing held on September 5, 2023, for the proposed Unified Environmental Health Ordinance.

3. Approve Health and Human Ser­vices claims payments in the fol­lowing amounts:

a. Administrative $ 13,842.45

b. Region III $ 352,636.62

c. Special Payments $ 7,476.40

4. Approve Lake County Unified En­vironmental Health Ordinance #27 effective September 12, 2023.

5. Approve and authorize Courtney Anderson, Financial Assistance Su­pervisor, to submit the 2024-2025 Lake County and Tribal Child Care Fund Plan to the Department of Hu­man Services.

6. Authorize the Environmental Ser­vices Director to advertise for bids to construct Lake County Demoli­tion Landfill Expansion Phases 1S and 2S based on the Project Man­ual prepared by Stantec Consulting Services Inc.

7. Approve and authorize the Board Chair to sign a non-exclusive ease­ment, for the one-time payment of $2,000, for the construction, use and maintenance of a road and services for any and all utilities over and across a strip of land being 66 feet wide, lying 33 feet on either side of the centerline of the approved road route as set forth on Exhibit A, across: partial interest of North half of Southeast Quarter of Section 30, Township 63, Range 11, said land having forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-pay­ment of real estate taxes, said easement being for the ingress to, egress from, and utility service to Grantees following described land, to wit: Government Lot 2 of Section 30, Township 63, Range 11.

8. Award SAP 038-600-019 to the lowest responsible bidder, Ulland Brothers, Inc. in the amount of $1,733,400.00 for the Reconstruc­tion of E. Lakeview Drive in the City of Silver Bay and authorize the Board Chair to sign the con­struction contract pending County Attorney review.

9. Approve the Resolution approving Application for Highway Easement Across State Land and authorize payment of the application fee to the Minnesota Department of Nat­ural Resources for project SP 038- 607-015.

10. Approve the Resolution approving Application for Highway Easement Across State Land and authorize payment of the application fee to the Minnesota Department of Natu­ral Resources for project SAP 038- 602-036.

11. Authorize the Highway Engineer to sign a Professional Services Agree­ment with LHB to develop plans and specifications for emergency repairs on Bridge 93091, Hawk Hill Road (CR 102) over the Knife River for a total cost not to exceed $4,753.50.

12. Authorize the Highway Engineer to sign a Professional Services Agreement with LHB to perform topographic and hydraulic survey of Bridge 93091 and approaches on Hawk Hill Road (CR 102) over the Knifer River for a total cost not to exceed $7,995.00.

13. Authorize payment not to exceed the amount of $51,016 to SHI Corp. (quote dated 8/9/2023) for the pur­chase of new network switches and supporting hardware.

14. Authorize payment in the amount of $7,945.00 to Election Systems & Software (ES&S) for maintenance and licenses for the DS200 precinct counters. The service contract pe­riod is August 1, 2023, to July 31, 2024 (ES&S Invoice #CD2064508).

15. Authorize payment to Cook County for the 2022 invoice in the amount of $51,529.22 for projects costs in­curred by Cook County for the Lake Superior North One Watershed One Plan (1W1P) Subsurface Sew­age Treatment System Database Inspection, Upgrades and Ground­water Nutrient Abatement Project. Lake County is the Fiscal Agent for this project and received $165,254 in funds in March of 2020 from the FY2020 Clean Water Funds.

16. Accept work order from owner (Sourcewell – Minnesota) and contractor (Northland Constructors of Duluth, Inc) dated 8/30/2023 (contract # MN-R2-PAV-040622- NCD) in the amount of $41,593.67; further resolved, authorize board chair to sign above work order; further resolved, authorize payment to Northland Constructors of Du­luth, Inc in an amount not exceed $46,593.67. The price difference between the proposal price and “not to exceed price” is the un­known conditions of the soils.

17. Authorize payment to Stantec Consulting Services Inc. for in­voice #212453 in the amount of $6,965.22 for Bid Package Prepa­ration for the Lake County Demo­lition Landfill expansion construc­tion.

18. Approve the St. Louis River Water­shed Based Implementation Bud­get, as recommended on August 31, 2023, by the St. Louis River One Watershed One Plan (SLR­1W1P) Policy Committee.

19. Adopt findings by the Planning Commission for Interim Use Appli­cation I-23-033r, submitted by Marc and Sarah Julien for PID 26-5544- 01060.

20. Adopt findings by the Planning Commission for Interim Use Appli­cation I-23-025i, submitted by Derk and Barbara Gibson for PID 25- 5311-22555.

21. Adopt findings by the Planning Commission for Interim Use Appli­cation I-23-034i, submitted by Judy Linman for PID 27-5707-24320. Absent: None

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 03 – Approve the res­ignation of Nicole Peterson, Human Ser­vices Professional, effective September 8, 2023. Absent: None

MOTION HURD, SECOND GOUTER­MONT: 04 – Approve the recruitment for one full-time Human Services Profession­al. Absent: None

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND HURD: 05 – Approve the change in employee status of Sharon Hodge, Accounting Tech­nician, due to completion of trial period ef­fective September 12, 2023. Absent: None

MOTION HURD, SECOND GOUTER­MONT: 06 – Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Memorandum of Under­standing regarding D.R.I.V.E. between Lake County and Teamsters Local 320. Absent: None

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND HO­GENSON: 07 – Approve the probationary appointment of Anna Hackett to Dispatch­er/Jailer at the Step 1 wage of $23.71 per hour effective September 13, 2023. Absent: None

MOTION HURD, SECOND GOUTER­MONT: 08 –Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the 2023-2025 Labor Agree­ment between Lake County and Minneso­ta Public Employees Association covering Supervisory employees. Absent: None

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND HURD: 09 – Approve the change of Veterans Ser­vice Officer position to Supervisory Unit and appointment of Bradly Anderson at the Step 2 wage of $34.39 per hour effective August 14, 2023. Absent: None

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND HOGENSON: 10 – Accept the proposal from Bolton & Menk, Inc. for Lake County Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Re­monumentation Plan and County Surveyor Services, to be billed hourly based on the fee schedule, not to exceed $40,000; fur­ther resolved, the Board of Commissioners approves and authorizes the Lake County Board Chair to sign the contract pending county attorney review. Absent: None

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND HO­GENSON: 11 – Approve and authorize the Lake County Board Chair to sign the Con­tract for Operation of the Lake County Ar­rowhead Recycling Center between Lake County and the Developmental Achieve­ment Center, Inc. (DAC). Absent: None

MOTION HURD, SECOND GOUTER­MONT: 12 – Adjourn Lake County Board of Commissioners’ meeting at 3:24 PM. Absent: None

The Lake County Board of Commissioners will convene for the following meetings:

– Committee of the Whole at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at the Little Marais Commu­nity Center, 6470 Highway 61, Little Marais, Minnesota.

– Regular meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 26, 2023. in the Lake County Service Center, Split Rock River Room, 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota.


Laurel D. Buchanan

Clerk of the Board

Rich Sve, Board Chairperson

Lake County Board of Commissioner

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