Sunday, October 27, 2024


 I. Attendance: Colby Abazs, Russ Vance (Zoom), Honor Schauland (Zoom), Paul Hartshorn, Karl Klinker, Doug Per­fetto, Mike Nikula, Amy Nikula, Vaughn Hoff, Kaare Melby (Zoom), Terri Perfet­to, Dave Geist.

II. Paul called the Regular Meeting of the Crystal Bay Town Board to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of allegiance.

A. MOTION: To approve the Reg­ular February Meeting Minutes as amended. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Karl, Passed by unanimous consent.

B. MOTION: To approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motioned by Karl, Seconded by Russ, Passed by unanimous consent.

C. MOTION: To approve paying all bills and claims due. Motioned by Karl, Seconded by Russ, Passed by unanimous consent.

D. The board reviewed correspon­dence received by the Town.

III. Reports

A. Clerks Odds and Ends: Colby

B. Road and Bridge: Doug

1. Working with the County to get gravel at a more accessible pit.

C. Community Center: Honor

1. Been Busy with St Urho. It was nice to see the spaces being used.

D. Cemetery: Vaughn

1. Starting to look ahead for spring and cleaning up the tree that is down over the road.

E. Housing Project: Erik

1. Aiming for a community event this spring.

IV. Old Business

A. Local Board of Appeal and Equalization: Colby

1. May 4th @ 1pm at the Finland Community Center.

B. Reminder MAT Regional Meet­ing: Colby

1. We are hosting the regional gathering of Townships May 3rd 6pm at the Finland Com­munity Center.

C. Fema Reimbursements for Spring Washout Event

1. This was a valuable learn­ing lesson for the town of a missed opportunity of not fol­lowing up on this opportunity as the deadlines to apply for funds passed last fall.

2. For future similar cases. We have to call the County once a disaster has been declared and then the County will work with us to fill out the neces­sary paperwork for FEMA.

D. Voting: Colby

1. Previous Meeting Action:

a) MOTION: For this elec­tion cycle to stay as a Mail In ballot precinct and the Town publicizes and hosts a “get registered” day about 3 weeks before election and provides a shuttle ride ser­vice on election day for folks to vote in Two Harbors on election day. After collect­ing more community input the Board will review this decision in a timely manner for the 2023 election cycle. Motioned by Russ, Second­ed by Karl, Passed by unan­imous consent.

b) MOTION: Mail a survey to all registered voters on what types of balloting are wanted in Crystal Bay Township. Will also publicize broadly about the survey. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Karl, Passed by unanimous consent.

2. Mail to registered voters sur­vey: Questions (When do we want surveys returned by?)

a) How folks want to vote (2-3 Qs): Colby

(1) Simple; Do you want to vote in person or mail ballot?

(2) Would you be willing to be a judge?

b) Housing Priorities(5-8 Qs): Erik

c) Recycling and Waste Prior­ities(2-5 Qs): FOF

d) Catch all write in box.

3. Colby will work with the rele­vant folks to draft questions for review at the April Board Meeting.

V. New Business

A. Town Clerk Office Hours

1. It would be nice to have some set days and times that the Clerk is at the Community Center as office hours.

2. MOTION: The Clerk will estab­lish regular office hours at the Finland Community Center to enable easier access by the community. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Paul, Passed by unanimous consent.

B. Annual Donations

1. MOTION: To distribute dona­tions to the following organi­zations as recommended by the Town Annual Meeting. Silver Bay Library: $2500, North Shore Area Partners $5000, Finland Historical Society $2000, Lake County Rescue $2500 and Finland Community Nature Childcare $1000. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Karl, Passed by unanimous consent.

C. Review 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes

1. MOTION: to publish the An­nual Meeting Minutes so as to solicit community input and corrections. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Karl, Passed by unanimous con­sent.

2. The Board does not approve the Annual Meeting Minutes but given that they are ap­proved 60 days after posting the Board has read over the Minutes to check for accura­cy.

D. Road Grants

1. Doug has been talking to peo­ple and has heard that there are grants available for road projects but we need to apply for them and a person to co­ordinate that.

2. Roads is not in the scope of work for Friends of Finland to write grants.

3. MOTION: that the Town ad­vertises seeking to contract with a grant writer familiar with road related grants who can support the Town apply­ing for grants to support Town roads. Motioned by Karl, Sec­onded by Russ, Passed by unanimous consent.

VI. MOTION: to adjourn the meeting at 7:49 pm until April 18, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Finland Community Center. Motioned by Karl, Seconded by Russ.

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