Urging Locals To Apply For Energy Assistance
I just wanted to thank the Northshore Journal for the articles (November 29th and December 20th) on the AEOA (Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency) energy assistance and housing rehab program. It is my understanding that only about 20% of eligible recipients actually apply for energy assistance. Probably many of these eligible recipients are elderly so it would be great if family or friends got the elderly signed up, especially since most of these folks have paid taxes all their lives. This is a good way to get our tax money back into our area, right on the ground level, in direct assistance.
Household monthly income guidelines for AEOA energy assistance are;
For a 1 person household, $2,983.
For 2 people, $3,901.
For 3 people, $4,819.
For 4 People, $5,737.
For 5 people, $6,655.
For 6 people, $7,572.
For 7 people, $7,745.
For 8 people, $7,917.
For 9 people, $8,089.
These are gross income amounts. It is important to remember that renters can qualify for at least some energy assistance even if gas is included in rent. The application process is fairly simple, maybe an hour to fill out the form and another hour to collect documentation.
AEOA housing services really address housing needs and, I believe, are very under used. Many homeowners receive new furnaces / boilers, water heaters, windows, roofs, updated insulation, structural upgrades and safety components such as fire and carbon monoxide detectors. In many cases, tens of thousands of dollars worth of work is done (it doesn’t take much these days). Some of the money comes through grants and some comes from very low-cost loans.
Working with a government agency such as AEOA isn’t always smooth sailing. They have their rules and, like everywhere else, are short staffed. Issues can arise, but overall AEOA has done a lot of great work in our area. It’s up to us to use these services.
Besides energy assistance, AEOA has multiple housing rehab programs with different income limits so consider giving them a call. The phone numbers are 218-735-6839 or 218-735-6819. Please remember that nothing happens fast with any of these programs so it’s best to consider contacting AEOA right away.
Paul Iversen, Two Harbors