Labor Day has passed. Pumpkin spice has returned to Starbucks and students to their schools; but in Finland, you can still get a taste of summer at the weekly farmers’ market, held at the Clair Nelson Center every Thursday from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. The markets will continue until October 3rd.
The first market of the season was held June 13, and featured over 12 local vendors, live music by Katee Rose, a food demo by Mark from Big Lake Microgreens, and free raffles to start off the season. Subsequent weeks featured special music by Paul Deaner, Robin Sunquiet, Austin Engelhardt, H. Casper, Terry Jenister, The Ameri-Finn All-Stars (Steve Solkela and Ida Metsberg), Steve’s Overpopulated One-Man Band (Steve Solkela), and Kristen and Jason. Food demonstrations were given by Elizabeth Storm, Erin Choi (featuring kimchi), Alma (pasta), Dan (“herby pastes”), and Patti Paulson. July 25 and August 8 and 22, Dan Cahill Matthews provided knife sharpening services, offering a complimentary knife sharpening of one non-serrated kitchen knife per visitor.
Visitors to the Finland Farmers’ Market enjoyed the scents of freshly baked bread, muffins, cookies, scones, and other treats. Fresh vegetables brought color to the market, and homemade condiments and jams were on hand to compliment the baked goods. Adults weren’t the only vendors – a few children and teens had booths of their own on occasion, selling cookies, lemonade, muffins, and homemade jewelry. The playground at the Clair Nelson Center provided a gathering place for younger children while adults shopped and visited. Children had their own opportunity to market by using special coupons provided by the market. Watching them think and decide on how to make their market bucks spread the furthest was a treat in itself.
Now that fall is coming, more freshly harvested food (summer squash!) can be expected, and a Thursday this month might just find you driving down Cramer Road decorated in a colorful fall array to the Finland Farmers’ Market.